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Practice Area Court of Protection

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    Practice areas >> Court of Protection

    We act in relation to the full range of property and affairs and health and welfare applications.

    Yorkshire International Chambers is at the forefront of work in the Court of Protection, with a large number of members at all levels of seniority active in this field. Members of chambers frequently appeared in significant property and affairs cases in the pre-Mental Capacity Act 2005 Court of Protection.

    We have continued to do so since the Act came into force in 2007, and also deal increasingly with personal welfare cases and with mixed property and affairs/personal welfare cases. Members regularly act for the Official Solicitor and the Public Guardian, as well as for professional deputies and attorneys, private individuals and charities involved in Court of Protection litigation.

    “ Yorkshire International Chambers is the only set ranked in band 1 of Chambers Guide 2016-7 for its Court of Protection Property and Affairs work, where it is described as boasting unsurpassed expertise at both silk and junior level ”

    As is so often the case with such instructions, resolving conflict of laws issues and challenges to jurisdiction is a consistent theme throughout.

    Members routinely advise on, draft applications and appear as advocates in the Court of Protection in: